KissAnime is A website to watch animated show “anime” this website has million of users which is suffering it daily and as we have estimate kiss anime website is getting some 200k daily visitors thro

ugh search engine. however, this website has got so many times DMCA (copyright unauthorized content uploading issue) and KissAnime uses Google’s servers to host videos.
Yes, we can access it. actually ISP (internet service provider) banning the connection to this kind of websites which is sharing pirated content and it are reporting by google (DMCA). here is some best VPN to which you can use to access kissanime website easily (if you are facing any issue to open OR you want to hide identity.
Most of people facing bad experiance with kissanime other websites because some websites showing 5-6 ads, so they don’t want to access that. But here is not ads yet.
As we said, here is not any single restriction.
How To Download Anime With Kissanime and gogoanime Read here – how to download with KissAnime
Step By Step How to use Magnet link?
As you are getting after searching your anime, You just need to click on magnet link mentioned in right side of the torrent result. To let it work, you need to have the application that supports torrent, such as bittorrent, utorrent or Flud. Why it is taking time to load?
It happens due to the heavy traffic recieve at a time, the server gets slow to handle all requests simultaneously. Thus, it may take upto 15 seconds to give you the results. When is the anime updated here after releasing?
We believe to search the best results. To get the best, we request user to wait a while. Also, we are not the first party who host the content on our own website. We index torrents hosted on other platforms. Thus, it may take 1-3 days.