Defying family expectations takes a dark turn in Matt McClung's Inhabitants, a modern supernatural thriller about a young, unwed couple moving in together. Starring Josh Andrés Rivera and Anna Jacoby-Heron, the film delves into eerie territory as the couple is seemingly haunted by the boyfriend’s former youth minister.
Gravitas Ventures unveiled a chilling new trailer today, setting the stage for Inhabitants to debut in limited theaters and on demand this Valentine’s Day, February 14. Check out the trailer and let us know if this one sparks your interest!
Olivia Burton, 23, moves to California with her boyfriend - Francis Morales, 24 - going against the wishes of their respective family members. Francis’s mother, Lillian, is a devout Catholic who disapproves of her son’s cohabitation and makes her feelings known in the form of violent, religiously themed postcards. Despite these objections, the young lovers settle into their new, exciting life together. Their bliss is interrupted, however, after a freak accident leaves Francis physically and mentally wounded. Soon, he’s suffering from night terrors - whispering in his sleep to a figure Olivia cannot see and sleepwalking to strange corners of the house. These episodes frighten Olivia and also suggest that Francis may be hiding something from her. Her investigation leads to a terrifying and perverse discovery; they are being haunted by the ghost of Francis’s childhood youth minister - an entity who is enraged by their cohabitation and has come to punish them for their sins.
Matt McClung
Matt McClung
Anna Jacoby-Heron, Josh Andrés Rivera, Ana Auther, Kevin Nealon
Release Date:
February 14, 2025