This week marks the release of Steven Soderbergh’s supernatural thriller, Presence. Filmed entirely from the first-person perspective of a spirit, the story follows its growing bond with the youngest daughter, Chloe (Callina Liang).
The film explores themes of death on multiple levels, prompting me to ask the young cast how they feel their generation approaches death differently compared to their parents’ generation. Their candid responses touched on the disconnection and numbness often felt in today’s world, contrasted with the more focused, less distracted experiences of previous generations.
I deeply appreciated the authenticity and thoughtfulness of this talented cast. Watch our exclusive interview with Eddy Mady, Callina Liang, and West Mulholland below, and stay tuned for our full review of Presence!
Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Starring Lucy Liu, Chris Sullivan, Callina Lang, Eddy Maday, West Mulholland, and Julia Fox
In theaters everywhere January 24th