The formula wins again! What's the formula you say? Well it's a theory that has been circling in genre films for years. Get a group of kids, make them cuss like sailors and have them fight some supernatural being. Jason Eisner dips his toes into the kool- aid with his latest feature KIDS VS ALIENS. KVA is a sci fi romp about a group of young filmmakers having an encounter with the real deal on Halloween night. There is tons to love in KVA as it follows a simple yet effective format to piece together the vibrant story.
From the start I could tell I would enjoy KIDS VS ALIENS but as any fan will tell you when it comes to invasion films, what do the aliens look like? I wasn't overwhelmed with the finished look of the creatures but their movement and timing swayed my opinion slightly. Im at the point in my life where I feel it may be impossible to change the tone of these films. Your usual types are presented and of course most of them get their due. How that holds over with audiences I feel may be very challenging. KIDS VS ALIENS has just enough gusto to be cult classic as much as a throwaway. That's a sad state of affairs more on how society looks at films then what's been presenting on screen. The formula still works people, you just need to take yourself back to an unbiased time in your life.
The inclusion of the pro wrestling , filmmaking etc really played to my nerd at heart. I will never despise kids vs monster flicks because most of us wouldn't be here enjoying these platforms today without them. KIDS VS ALIENS will snatch you back to your childhood. So clearly that means it may affect us all differently. Regardless it will be hard for a smile not to cross over your face while watching the film.
KIDS VS ALIENS proved that the formula still works but that doesn't mean society still wants it? Yes NETFLIX and the like have made a fortune recently out of the same concepts but where do we stand now? Only the returns from the box office and numbers of streams can tell us otherwise. For Eisner and crew I hope audiences find KIDS VS ALIENS equally fun as it is adorable.
2.5 / 5
KIDS VS ALIENS is directed by Jason Eisener and stars Dominic Mariche, Phoebe Rex and Calum MacDonald.