Killer Christmas tree treat THE KILLING TREE has been set for a November release by Uncork’d Entertainment.
On Christmas Eve, a scorn widow casts an ancient spell to resurrect her executed husband. However, when the spell goes wrong, the husband is brought back as an Evil Christmas Tree. Hell-bent on getting revenge on the one who caused his execution, the body count keeps rising as the Tree hunts her down. Can anyone stop this killer Christmas tree before he gets to his target?
Rhys Frake-Waterfield directs, Sarah Alexandra Marks, Marcus Massey, Judy Tcherniak, Sarah T. Cohen, Kelly Rian Sanson, Ella Starbuck, Lauren Staerck, May Kelly, Nikolai Leon, Richard Harfst, and Gillian Broderick star.
"A super fun horror tale, with some great scares and devilish humor, THE KILLING TREE is undoubtedly going to be very popular with audiences. ” said Keith Leopard, President Uncork’d Entertainment. "If you loved KRAMPUS, you’ll want to put it on your must-see list.”
THE KILLING TREE will be released November 1 on Digital.